Modul Pelatihan Calon Hakim Tindak Pidana Korupsi
Hasil Kajian Atas Penerapan PERMA 3/2017 di 5 Mitra Wilayah SPPT-PKKTP: Kepulauan Riau, Kalimantan Tengah, DKI Jakarta, Jawa Tengah, dan Maluku
Buku Saku Akses Keadilan Bagi Perempuan dan Anak dalam Perkara Pidana
Berikan Akses Keadilan Terhadap Perempuan dan Anak Korban KDRT!
How Accessible are the Systems of Legal aid and Pro Bono Lawyering to Vulnerable Groups of Indonesian Society when Compared to Australia?
Oleh: Alanah Garzia, Mahasiswa Universitas La Trobe, Melbourne In many countries, individuals who struggle financially can attempt to acquire legal representation through two general mechanisms, government supported legal aid or pro bono assistance. The responsibility of providing legal aid rests on the state, whilst pro bono is often considered a professional obligation for members of […]
What are Some Challenges Experienced by Domestic Sexual Violence Victims in Indonesia that Have Been Resolved in Australia?
Oleh: Alanah Garzia, Mahasiswa Universitas La Trobe, Melbourne Victims of domestic sexual violence face several challenges in their dealings with the criminal justice system, however, victims from certain countries face greater challenges in comparison to their neighbours. These challenges become clear when a comparison between the experiences of Indonesian and Australian domestic sexual violence victims […]